Saturday, March 28, 2009

Festival of People Who Need To Shower... aka... Festival of Colors...

Wow! Today was a long day, but a very good one. This morning I went to Lehi and watched my nephew Andrew's baptism. I can't believe he's 8! Time has flown by watching my sisters' children grow up. I was one of the witnesses for the baptism. I love getting to see him and all of my other nephews and my nieces. They're so fun!

After the baptism I went to get a Gandolfo's breakfast sandwich. (Getting one has become a staple of almost ALL of my visits home.) I LOVE these sandwiches. I think they are honestly amongst my favorite foods of all time, and are almost definitely my favorite fast food items. After devouring that I took a nap and then went to get fitted for my tux for Anthony's wedding in May.

Then came the really fun part. I went to Julianna's place in Orem. We prepared ourselves to go to the Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork for their annual: FESTIVAL OF COLORS! We had to fight our way through the swarms of people but we found a parking spot and made it to the temple. First we bought our colored chalk stuff and then just looked around the temple and fed/pet the llamas on the grounds. The chalks are REALLY bright colors and after the people set an evil demoness effigy on fire, everyone is supposed to start chucking their colored chalk stuff in the air and it gets on everyone and turns into a big fight. Really it was more just a chaotic scramble to get covered in as much color as possible. It was fun! Although... there were some interesting bad things that had to come with all this chalk a-flyin'. First there was the amount in the air that you breathed in and swallowed... not way great. Secondly, there was blowing my nose afterwards and seeing for the first time in my life... PURPLE SNOT! There was also the sting in my eye as someone lobbed a gob of purple chalk into my left eye. And then there was the pink armpit... someone aimed a great shot right down my shirt sleeve. Even though these things were a bit upsetting/disturbing... IT WAS TONS OF FUN! I totally would go again if I had the chance. After the chalk settled and we listened to some music and the crowd did some chanting stuff we assessed the damage and headed out. We were all quite hungry and after getting to Provo we decided to go to a barbeque pizza place. It was really good. It was funny though, because as we walked in we got a bunch of funny stares and there was a group of biker dudes and biker chicks. We explained where we'd been and they were like, "You can stare at us if we can stare at you!" It was funny. It was a very strange shower when I got home. It was very COLORFUL! Fun day. It ended with hanging out with Anthony and Marche. We grabbed Spence and got Frosties! Woot. Well... that was my eventful day!



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