Did you know that whirling disease is caused by a microscopic parasite called Myxobolus cerebralis?
- Now you do.
- Did you know that just because spores of this parasite are present in a stream, it does not mean that whirling disease will be manifest in that stream's fish?
- Now you do.
- Did you know that whirling disease can cause various conspicuous types of mutation and the darkened tails exhibited by the trout in the photo to the right?
- Now you do.
- Did you know that I have a freakin' huge project due not too long from now that is causing me much stress and makes me want to whirl... hurl?
- Now you do.
I really want to go fishing.
Mostly I just want to be done with law school apps, graduation, and this semester.
I'll get there.... whirl.
K, see ya.
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